
Das Leben bei einer chilenischen Familie ist für Sie die beste Möglichkeit, Ihr Spanisch ständig zu üben. Sie haben Ihr eigenes Zimmer und den Rest des Hauses teilen Sie sich mit der Familie. Alle unsere Gastfamilien befinden sich in sicheren Gegenden und liegen günstig in der Nähe öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel.


  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Wi-Fi
  • Full use of common areas
  • Conveniently located
  • Bathroom
Per day $55
• beinhaltet Frühstück und Abendessen
ONE week385 USD
Per day $61
• inklusive Frühstück, Abendessen und eigenem Bad
ONE week427 USD


  • A great school. My lovely teacher Maria Christina provided me with a great foundation of the Chilean-style Spanish for the first two months of my gap year in Chile. Without that I doubt I would have been able to have learned Spanish as fluently as I did while I was volunteering in various parts of the country. Highly recommend. Prices are very reasonable as well.

    Ian Crawford, London
  • Great after-school activities to do too, whether it be exploring the city, taking salsa lessons, or visiting other scenic areas (La Serena, Isla Damas, Valparaíso... etc.) All of the staff is super-friendly and a few are bi/trilingual. When I go back to Chile to visit my relatives, I will definitely stop by!

    Doreen Balser,Germany
  • O curso é ótimo! Os professores são atenciosos e os passeios da escola são fantásticos, tem bons preços e guias excelentes

    Olmo Lacerda,Brazil