• Please use the on-line enrollment-form!
• Prior to enrolling, please ask all the questions you have via email: info@escuelabellavista.cl
• The school will send you a Course Confirmation as soon as your enrollment is processed.
• The school does not charge any reservation fee for the courses. Payment is made here on the first day.
• if you decide to end your course early Bellavista School offers a refund option in:
- Online classes
- Individual classes
- 70% of the total program, due to administrative and coordination expenses
- Cancellation of individual face-to-face classes must be made 1 day in advance (24 hours)
- Cancellation of the online class must be 12 hours in advance
• Here on the first day: Cash, credit card, cheque
• Long distance: Pay Pal, or Bank transfer (only from local banks)